Educational Technology Exploration

Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge

Year 1 Assignments


Three Words for Education:

When asked to describe education in three words I said “Never stop learning!”


Web Based Inquiry Project

I have created this website as a stepping stone for students to begin learning about web based research and to start the inquiry process. My deaf and hard of hearing students will be learning to identify vocabulary words that they don’t know, research those vocabulary words using the web, and create a visual product of their final understanding of the word using Wordle, Popplet, and Photovisi. These final products may include examples and non-examples of the word, related words, synonyms, antonyms, the use of the word in a sentence, a definition in their own words etc. Then students will either be typing, using Voki, or videotaping themselves explaining their visual representation of their vocabulary word to others. There will also be a collaborative component of this project where students in different grade levels are all constructing knowledge of a particular vocabulary word together through the use of our classroom vocabulary website.


Hot or Not:

I used Photovisi to create a collage explaining which websites I like to use and which I do not. I also gave a brief description of what makes a website “hot” or “not.”


What’s My Sentence?

I used Photovisi to make a collage with my one sentence mission statement. This is what I want people to say about me, when they look back on my teaching years from now.

Concept Map

I took another look at the Bransford, Brown, and Cocking reading that we completed on the first day of class. Looking at this reading with a new lens, two weeks into the MAET program, these are the important points that I found.

Click on the picture to see a larger image.


Universal Design for Learning

We analyzed the affordances and constraints of the UDL and PDF versions of the 2020 Learning Landscape: A Retrospective on Dislexia.

Parent Newsletter

Check out our newsletter informing parents of helpful apps that students can use at home in order to reinforce their math and literacy learning at school.

Click here for a larger version

Technology In Learning Presentation Draft 2

Content Connections Project

Check out the website that I have created in order to share the MSU Children’s Gardens with my students. Using this website, students will be required to create their own themed garden and to take care of that garden. Over the course of this unit, students will be using their garden to learn math,  science, reading, comprehension, writing, calendar, and language concepts. They will also be making community connections and  increasing their executive functioning skills.



Want to learn how to use the tool to make virtual concept maps ? Watch the 2 min screen cast that we made using Jing.


QR Code Reader

Today I learned how to use Kaywa to create a QR code. Two of these things are true about me and one is a lie. Can you use a QR reader on your phone to guess which is the lie?


In the above VennDiagram I compared and contrasted the National Educational Technology Standards and the Extended Core Curriculum for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. I can definitely see some similarities between both!


SIG Project


The Special Interest Group for Behavioral Support for Struggling Students (SIGSS) provides assistance to teachers with students experiencing difficulty with classroom success. At this time, SIGSS focuses on deficits in the areas of attention and sensory processing with the supports of assistive technology. SIGGS hopes to integrate technology and strategy into instruction to support all learners.



I tested out Wordle today to try. Can you guess which word I was trying to describe?

Wordle: wordle JE

The word that I picked was sulk!


I was using to think about my personal learning network in class today. It will be interesting to look back on this a month from now and see how much my thoughts have changed by then!



Here is a digital introduction to myself as an educator that I created using Glogster.

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